Holi – Color Festivals in India

Every year, Holi is celebrated all over India, from North to South, as well as by Indian communities abroad. This Hindu religious festival, which marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring, is celebrated during the full moon of the month of Phâlguna (February-March). On Holi day, everyone throws colored powder and water at each other.
The Origin of the Party
Like many celebrations in India, Holi has its origins in Hindu mythology. Legend has it that King Hiranyakashipu reigned as a despot, causing trouble around him. Proud and arrogant, he demanded that everyone bow down at his feet. Unfortunately for him, his own son Prahlad preferred the god Vishnull to him.
Hiranyakashipu then wanted to get rid of his son. He tried several times to kill him but in vain. He then asked for help from his sister Holika, who had the special gift of not fearing fire. The king challenged his son to lie down in the flames with his aunt. Prahlad accepted and triumphed. Holika was punished for her vanity while Prahlad was saved and rewarded by the gods for his loyalty and devotion. It is from this story that Holi was born, a symbol of the victory of good over evil, of fertility and the arrival of spring.
The Origin of Colors
Several days before Holi, the Indians begin to gather wood to light the big fire called Holika. On the eve of the festival, huge bonfires are lit in all cities of India. These fires, which celebrate the cremation of Holika, sister of King Hiranyakashipu, symbolize the destruction of evil. The embers are then collected by the inhabitants who bring them home and use them to light a new fire.
The day of festivities is called Dhuletti. This is when the festival of colors takes on its full meaning. During the preceding days, everyone supplies themselves with chromatic ammunition – balloons filled with colored water and tinted powder called gulal. On D-Day, you have to be ready to spray your friends, family or complete strangers you meet in the street.
Many tourists are lucky enough to participate in the Holi Festival. It is a once in a lifetime experience. If you are in Jaipur, I advise you to visit Villa 243. This boutique – Hotel will organize the Holi you have always dreamed of!